So close and yet so far …

Spring, where have you been for so long?

Today many folks wanted to rise from their beds and shake the cobwebs from their sleepy heads …  to peak through the blinds and see sun and flowers and saw more snow instead.


april showers

Graphic credit

For the life of me, I don’t remember anyone saying that April snows bring May flowers.

Officially, spring has been here long enough to melt snow … to tease kernels from branches … to bloom bright with azalea or forsythia … to bring out the purples, pinks, and sun-yellows we crave all winter long.


Azalea photo

Looking back to move forward …

While our friends in the frozen tundra and in all parts north wait impatiently to dig out from under … I have been searching my archives.

I scrolled through all the April posts beginning with the first spring of my blog … April, 2010 looking for inspiration.

I often go back to find old posts I can copy and recycle. Sometimes I go back to find a topic I can revisit with a new twist.

April of 2010 … there was but one. April of 2011 … there were eight and April of 2012 … there were none.

April of 2013 I found the post where I asked my readers to send me one-sentence prompts for my flash fiction … Be careful what you wish for … posted on April 3rd.

That was the opener of my flash fiction.

April of 2014 … scrolling from the last to the first … there were two posts of Bleeps, Bloopers and Outtakes featuring my hapless character … poor little Gail.

Continuing with April of 2014 … I wrote one Flash Fiction using a sentence Patti sent:

Jenny (she) stared out the window at the rain drops spattering off the leaves of the willow tree, wondering how the hell her life had spun so out of control.

And the month began with Part Two and Three of a three part series on moving forward in honor of Laura Drake’s momentous move from Southern California to Texas.

Go figure.

Those are the posts that inspired me today.


Wisteria Road

The road we travel …

Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, growin’ like a breeze

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong

Take Me Home, Country Roads, by John Denver

 We travel many roads on this journey of our life. John Denver published that song in 1971. It was included in his break-out album Poems, Prayers and Promises.

In 1972, I hit the road alone for the first time, barefoot with two babes in tow, speeding down Route 35 along the Jersey Shore in an ancient Chevy Impala … singing that song.

I was naïve and frightened and determined that morning. I had never been to West Virginia and had only seen the section of the Blue Ridge Mountains that connects to the Pocono Mountains and looms over the landscape in a sleepy town in Pennsylvania.


blue ridge mountains

Blue mountain haze

It was the fall of my eleventh year. I remember waking before dawn and watching the sun rise over the mountains … the blue haze as the morning fog began to burn off in the new day’s sun.

I remember going out with my playmate’s father to a stable and the overwhelming sense of excitement as the stable owner hoisted me into a saddle for the first time.

mountain lake.02

Mountain Lake

Oh, how I remember that first ride … along time-trodden trails into the higher elevations, in the snow, the horses knowing the way better than the kid from Brooklyn … surrounded in golds, yellows, bronze and orange, the colors of autumn under a light cover of snow … an artist’s palate … a young girl’s delight.

And I remember my breath hitch as we turned along the road and came upon a mountain lake, crystal clear, still and hushed. I could hear the sounds of the birds and little creatures, the whinny of the horses, the steam from their noses, the sense of power riding on a magnificent steed.

I did not grow up in rural America and only knew these small wonders of nature from vacations or visiting family.

What I did know, that chilly morning in October, and that day with my babes in tow … is that there are many roads to travel by. Which ones we select define us … mold and shape us.

If the road you have taken becomes hard to travel … be at peace … life will give you respite. You may come to a crossroad, turn a corner or climb over the next hill to see what new adventures wait beyond.

Mine have not been country roads. They have more often been concrete and asphalt sidewalks. I might have frolicked in a mountain stream or two as a girl, but mostly, I frolicked in the waves at Coney Island, rode along the Brooklyn Narrows, skipped along the avenues and played leap-frog over fire hydrants.

New beginnings …

Since I have a black thumb and have elected to enjoy nature in any way other than digging in dirt, my seeds are planted in the rich soil of my brain.

My garden blooms new this springtime as I wait for my internal sun to prod them from small, tight buds that open slowly to a garden of virtual delights.

Wherever you are on the continent on this first day … while pranksters prank and jokesters joke … celebrate yet another joyous beginning.

Happy April Fool’s Day.

What new beginnings do you face this spring?

Have you planted seeds that will bring forth a garden of delight?

fOIS In The City



Maxine.April Fool

Maxine on April Fool




Filed under Random Thoughts

8 responses to “So close and yet so far …

  1. christicorbett

    I’ve planted some pranks that are sure to bring about some giggles tomorrow 🙂

    April Fools is a big day in our house. Right now I’ve got two bowls of milk-covered cereal in the freezer, ready to serve my ten-year-old twins tomorrow. That first attempt at putting in the spoon is going to be fun to watch! Then, they’ll go to get dressed and find underclothes of the other twin in their drawers. After school, they’ll find another surprise…fake dog doo shall greet them when they step inside the house 🙂

    I love April Fools Day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christi, you little devil. I do remember your great pranks from last April. I guess it is always those quiet-good-girl types that cause the most chaos 🙂

      Enjoy the day and thanks for the visit 🙂


  2. In a few weeks, I will be publishing ten related stories under the title NEW SUN RISING. They are different than what I’ve written before, and that is what is special about them. I look back at earlier books and am not sure who wrote them. Amazing the changes that take place.
    Also, it is spring! I can go into my yearly garden mode.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lindsay, I love the title and the image of a new sun rising. As always, I am sure this will be a great selection of stories … keep us posted.

      Yes, when we look back on certain stories, we might think someone had taken possession of our brains. But those amazing changes only happened because you had the courage to start.

      I would never join you … but have fun in your garden 🙂


  3. Yes, it’s April Fool’s Day and I have to remember to wish one of my dear friends a happy birthday. I never do pranks though I think it would be a grand idea to do so. I love Christi’s suggestions. Wish I would have thought about the cereal thing last night!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. vicki

    Hi, Florence. I love the phrase: Go. Do. Live. Life is an adventure. So many times we are afraid of the unknown and trying new things. Today, I’m sharing on my blog the road I took on April Fool’s Day – when Handsome proposed–twice!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Vicki … I read and have not yet commented on your post. Love the way you and Handsome have evolved over the years. Life is a grand adventure and meant to be relished not feared. Not enough time here to spend hesitating … I do that … then I hit myself on the back of the head 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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