Give thanks …

Today is the eve of the most popular American holidays, Thanksgiving.

Thanks for this picture.

I would like to give thanks to those I love, who have touched my life and made my world a better place to live. Of course, I would have to start with my nuclear family, my composite family, my first grade school teachers, all but two of my colleges professors … well you do get the point.

If you are in my life, you know who you are and you know I love you and thank my Higher Power for you.

Purchase here.

Give thanks to Jessie Wilcox Smith for this amazing print.

Print credit here.

Give thanks for those who break bread and share our joy. Take a few moments to remember those who are no longer sitting at the table. Immortality is remembering their smiles.

Steve Jobs photo credit.

A special thanks to Steve Jobs who made our world a better place to live and work. He was the man of our century and there will be no other in our life time quite as magical.

Book worm credit.

Thanks for the books we read. Each time we hold them in our hands, or view them on our modern device, think of the person whose love and labor brought you the wonder of new worlds and fantastic tales. Embrace them, they are a gift.

Games pic. here.

Thanks for the games we play. From the checker boards to the computer screen, from the soccer field to the backyard, play as hard as you work.

Artist credit here.

Thank you for this day and for every day.

A special thanks to the cooks, the football fans, the kids under foot. Enjoy those crazy times because they only come around once. Once the wonder of her first smile, his first baby tooth, once for that magic moment when babe in arms, grandma sits alone in the living room, rocking and remembering. One time when they believe your far-fetched tale, one time to capture that six-year-old toothy grin.

I wish each of you and your loved ones a peaceful and joyous Thanksgiving Day.

fOIS In The City


Filed under Ramblings

26 responses to “Give thanks …

  1. Thanks for the the emotive, memory-jolt post. My gratitude list grows with each day granted by my Higher Power–if I stop to listen and learn.and appreciate.

    I wish a safe, peaceful and joyous Thanksgiving for you and yours, too.


  2. Meredith Conner

    What a lovely post. Thank you for the reminders. Happy, happy Thanksgiving.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Florence. May your holiday be filled with the joyous laughter of your loved ones. Thanks for becoming a part of my life this year. 🙂


  4. What a beautiful list, Florence. Happy Thanksgiving!


  5. Thank you for this post, Florence. I really hadn’t thought about how thankful I am when I’m reading a book and how much it’s a labor of love from the author. Even though I’m now an author I’d never given your idea any thought, putting myself in the author’s place, now that I know what it entails to write an entire book! Thank you for giving me that.


    • It’s a totally different experience reading a book now that I’ve given my hard labor of love to writing my own. Like your lovely “chocolate” darling labs, there is something special in each book we should savour. Have a great day, Patti 🙂


  6. I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving, Florence. Thanks for the gift of your friendship.


  7. Lovely post. I’m thankful for great blogfriends like you! Have a wonderful holiday.


    • It’s hard to explain to “normal” folks how special our blog/friends become. I look forward to the time we can bread bread in the real world … but for now … I raise a glass of cheer to you , my friend 🙂


  8. I have much to be thankful for and sometimes forget how much. Your list is a great beginning…


  9. Wonderful! The last paragraph especially hits home. I’m constantly reminding myself not to wish this time away. You’re right–it only comes once.

    I’m also thankful for blogging friends like YOU! Happy Thanksgiving!


    • Yes Nina, you have the chance to savor each new moment, each first all over again. I find it strange and yet wonderful that even the grandkids are now patting me on the head. Have a wonderful day with your family 🙂


  10. PK Hrezo

    So true! I’m thankful for your lovely blog posts! And to have you as a friend.
    Have a wonderful turkey day ! 🙂


  11. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for subscribing. I have added your blog to my google reader and will be reading. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. There is so much for us to be grateful for, as you certainly pointed out.


    • Yes Laura, we have much to be thankful for and Christie Corbett, my very first “blog” friend has been at the top of my list for these two wonderful years. Glad we met and look forward to reading you as well 🙂


  12. christicorbett


    I’m catching up on emails after the Thanksgiving break so I’m a bit late to this blog post party 🙂

    I loved all the wonderful pictures you included in this post, especially the game one. We were fortunate enough to share our home, and table, with family and friends over Thanksgiving and one of the fun things that occured after dinner was a spontaneous “Connect Four” game challenge between my twins and the other guests. Fun was had by all, and I had the distinct pleasure of watching my kids take on, and in several turns, beat the grown ups.

    Thanks for being a wonderful writing friend!

    Christi Corbett


  13. DM

    Wonderful blog. And you know I am very grateful for your friendship and just knowing you. Your personality rocks!


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